Saturday, July 17, 2010

RON 95 strictly for locals

KUANTAN: Vehicles with foreign registration plates can only buy RON 97 fuel starting from Aug 1.

Enforcement officers will be placed at petrol stations, particularly in the border areas in Kedah, Perlis, Johor, Kelantan and Sabah and Sarawak, to ensure petrol kiosk operators do not sell subsidised RON 95 fuel to foreign-registered vehicles.

Domestic Trade, Cooperative and Consumerism Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob said: “Foreigners can no longer fill up RON 95 petrol which is priced at RM1.85 per litre now. Its sale is strictly meant for Malaysian-registered vehicles only.

“They can only buy RON 97 petrol as the fuel will no longer be subsidised but subjected to a managed float.”

He said that despite increasing the price of RON 95 and RON 97 by five sen per litre, the Government still had to subsidise 45% of the total price of both types of fuel and also liquefied petroleum gas.

Ismail Sabri also said that the sugar price increase of 25 sen per kilo should not be an excuse for traders and retailers to increase prices, especially food and drinks.

“We can deploy officers to monitor prices of food and drinks, but restaurant and food stall owners must be responsible and honest enough not to increase prices.

“Furthermore, their business would not be affected much,” he told reporters after Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak launched the National Cooperative Day at MPK 2 Field here yesterday.

“For example, with the new price of sugar, the cost of making a glass of teh tarik will go up by 1.2 sen. So, there is no reason why the teh tarik price will go up by between 10 and 20 sen,” he said.

Ismail Sabri said he would meet producers, wholesalers and retailers on Monday to get their commitment not to raise prices.

He said the ministry would mobilise about 1,600 price observers and 2,000 enforcement officers throughout the country in efforts to curtail indiscriminate price increases.

“Report to the ministry if traders raise prices,” he advised the public.

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