Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Currency strength boosts confidence

PETALING JAYA: The stronger ringgit is bringing cheer to Malaysians eager to squeeze more from their money. In the travel industry, operators are expecting a boom in business because many will want to cash in on the chance to see the world for less.

“And with low-cost carriers offering so many destinations, people will tend to travel more at a relatively cheaper cost,” said Malaysian Association of Tour and Travel Agents (Matta) president Datuk Mohd Khalid Harun.

He recalled that when the Australian dollar was selling at a lower rate (RM2.50 to the dollar) a few years back, there was a big shift of Malaysians going there.

However, he reminded travellers always to get value for their money, because the cheapest travel need not mean the most enjoyable experience.

Writer Foong Chee Yan, 23, who will be going on a business trip to England, was happy he would be spending less during his trip.

Parents with children studying overseas are also happy with the stronger ringgit.

Peter Yoong, 49, a residential manager, said his eldest son would be leaving for his Computer Science studies in Oklahoma in August.

He expected to pay US$12,000 (RM38,700) in fees annually. In March, Yoong said the exchange rate was RM3.30 to the dollar.

“Now, the rate is at RM3.20. There is definitely some savings here,” he said.

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