Monday, November 10, 2008

Con't... My story in UK (Part 2)

6-7 October 2007 (Saturday & Sunday)

Then we go Castleton, one of the most popular centres in the Peak District. Maybe this is because it has everything the visitor might want - picturesque scenery, a ruined Norman castle, showcaves, interesting geology, good walks and a pretty village.

In front of Castleton Centre.
The village is centred around a square in which the church lies - this is just off the main road and directly beneath Peveril Castle on the hill behind. The castle was built in 1080 as a wooden building and rebuilt in stone around 1175 and the church was begun about the same time. It has a fine Norman arch across the Nave, which was constructed from 1190 to 1250. The tower was added in 1450-1500 and more additions were made in the 19th century.

We go Manchester after this & spent most of time in Primark buying things. When we started to go around Manchester City, is about ~7-8pm already. When driving around the city, we by-passed the Manchester United FC Football Ground (Old Trafford), Manchester. After taking photos, we went straight to Liverpool & stay overnight there.

Manchester United FC Football Ground

China Town in Manchester City

Manchester Town Hall at night. It has been used for the local governance of Manchester, is an example of Vitorian era Gothic revival architecture.

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